Every Nation Gent

Every Nation Gent

About us

At Every Nation Gent we are passionate about Jesus Christ. After His resurrection, Jesus gave the command to His followers to go into all the world and tell everyone about what has happened and to impact people with His life story, where ever they are at.  For this reason we believe God has called us to Share God With Hearts & Minds.

Some people need proof and evidence for the existence of God. The simplest place to find this is in the death and resurrection of Jesus. However, there are people who struggle with more emotional heart questions, like for instance the problem of pain and suffering and the existence of evil in this world.

For this reason we are committed to be sharing God with both the mind as well as the heart and emotions. God can be understood as well as experienced. This is actually the way God wants us to know Him … in both our understanding and in our emotions.

Faith is not a blind trust in something that cannot be explained, neither is it a belief in something that is far beyond our emotions and experiences. Jesus is alive and He needs to be explained on an intellectual as well as an experiential level.